It's really moving now for the new single Silent Dawn. We can now add radiostations in Canada, Denmark and Belgium to the list of the countries where the single is currently played. Most exciting radio news: As of yesterday the song got 85.000 votes on the Canadian station "'s Dance Music Station".
The radiopresenter's quote: " Paulinda, the lead singer of the group provides magical vocals which take you on a magical journey."
Full presentation and voteresults here: Djfm
More: On the Argentinian radiostation La Trashnoche there will be an interview with the band on saturday 24.00 Central European Time. This interview can be heard here: La Trashnoche
On monday 4th July the Side-Line magazine will release a FREE compilation album with 30songs from 30 artists. Daybehavior participate with a brand new track: "So shut your eyes". Please check out our facebookpage and Side-Line´s facebookpage from monday for details.